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10 ways CRYSTALYX can help manage your cow herd this spring

We often get questions from producers about how they can get the most from their investment in nutritional  supplements.  CRYSTALYX® Brand Supplements have a number of products with different applications across your herd that target specific production challenges.  CRYSTALYX® technologies that have been research tested, come with the brand and are key in providing cost savings or improved returns.  I have listed below 10 specific opportunities where CRYSTALYX® can help you with managing your herd this spring.

  1. CRYSTALYX® protein supplementation of marginal quality forages or bridging the nutritional gap from stored forages to actively growing pastures is often needed as cow nutrient needs rise going into calving and lactation.
  2. Reduced time, equipment  and labor spent on supplement feeding with the predictable self-fed delivery of CRYSTALYX® is a great way to reduce unnecessary costs and  time required for feeding.
  3. Decrease the disruption of cow-calf pairs in addition to less soil disturbance from wet/thawing conditions of Spring with fewer delivery trips to the pasture when using CRYSTALYX®.
  4. Highly Bioavailable key Minerals and Vitamins for rebreeding come all wrapped up in one package with CRYSTALYX® protein supplements.  Spring calving herds should use CRYSTALYX® Breed-Up® products that are specifically fortified for getting cows bred early.
  5. Decreased supplement container handling with the durable and degradable single trip BioBarrel® with WeatherAll® Technology that stands up in all spring weather conditions.
  6. Highly palatable delivery of Magnesium supplementation for consistent daily consumption helps prevent Grass Tetany on lush growing pastures.
  7. Predictable and convenient delivery of fly control with feed through larvacides or insect growth regulators in either protein or mineral/vitamin supplements.
  8. Growing replacement heifers are ideal candidates for Iono-lyx® with Bovatec® to help them achieve their target body weight at breeding while managed on pasture.
  9. CRYSTALYX® with average quality forage can help maintain mature bulls until turn out at breeding for a simple, low-input bull nutrition management program.
  10. Use the power of CRYSTALYX® to help you manage your pasture forages by placing the barrels where you want cattle to graze and spend time.  It is an often overlooked benefit of CRYSTALYX® that can help you increase forage utilization and spread your resources further.