In the Field

"I know all the animals are getting the nutrients they need."

Bruce Vande Hey owns Vande Hey Farms and has 400 milking cows. He works with Bart Collins at Henry Carstens and Sons in Brillion, WI.

Bruce Vande Hey has been using CRYSTALYX® Dry Cow Formula™. He uses this as a TMR safety net. The 250 lb. barrel of Dry Cow Formula™ is placed in the dry cow lot and the 60 lb. tub is used in the calving and fresh pens.

The dry and fresh cows are on a TMR with a protein/mineral. “It is not that I don’t think the mineral is mixed in well, but with CRYSTALYX®, I know all the animals are getting the nutrients they need,” says Bruce.

“The real benefit is for the fresh cows that are not feeling good. They lick on the block and it helps them get back on feed. Cows are only in the fresh pen 5-6 days at most, and having CRYSTALYX® in there is a real benefit.”