As we wrap up July, the hottest temperatures of the summer are upon us or directly ahead of us. This is a tough time for all creatures, but it is especially detrimental to your cattle, which can be challenged by heat stress. Dark-hided cattle are especially susceptible to the issue, as heat can raise their core body temperature 2°F higher than in light-hided cattle.
Cattle experiencing heat stress generally lower their feed consumption, which leads to lower production and lower efficiency. A 2003 study published in the Journal of Dairy Science estimated that without heat abatement, total losses to the beef industry were approximately $369 million per year. This was primarily from reduced performance, increased mortality and decreased production. Considering that cattle are worth roughly three times as much today as in 2003, this amounts to over a billion dollars currently lost each year to heat stress in the beef industry.
The importance of shade … and Shade
In hot weather, most animals seek out some shade for immediate relief, as shady spots can be a full 15-20°F cooler than sunny ones. That’s why we named our new nutritional supplement “Shade” — because it also provides all-important relief from the heat.
How does Shade work?
CRYSTALYX® Blueprint® Shade starts with our cutting-edge Blueprint® package of 100% organic trace minerals and other Alltech technologies, then adds proven essential oils such as capsicum.
Capsicum and other essential oils have been shown to be vasodilators. A vasodilator opens up blood vessels and improves blood circulation, which is a primary method of thermo-regulation for mammals. This increased blood flow to the skin improves natural cooling, which reduces heat stress, and results in increased performance and feed intake during periods of heat stress.
Cattle suffering from heat stress will often spend much of their time standing in water or in the shade. If shade is not available you will likely find them loafing near water sources. Either way, they are not out grazing, which means lower forage intake, production and efficiency — leading to fewer pounds across the scale by fall.
Why implement fly control as well?
Feed intake is also reduced when cattle are bothered by flies. In this situation, the herd tends to group closely together, oftentimes in the corners of a pasture, and spend much of the day swatting flies instead of grazing. In fact, herds with a fly problem can expect the same deleterious results as in heat-stressed animals.
That’s why, when developing Shade, we knew we had to offer it with ClariFly® included, for producers who need a fly control option. Crystalyx® Blueprint® Shade with ClariFly® is designed to keep animals grazing comfortably even during the double challenge of heat and flies.
Both products have a typical intake of 4 ounces per head per day for mature cattle.
How do I get paid back?
Research has shown that a successful summer fly control program like ClariFly can add 20 pounds per head weaning weight, and 33 pounds per head for stocker cattle. That is $60 to $90 per head added value for just the fly control program, which should cost less then 3¢ per head per day. And adding Shade to your mineral program should cost only about 2¢ per head per day. It pencils out to a total of $7.50 per head for a full 150-day summer grazing program — an ROI of at least 8:1. That is a much better return on your investment within five months than you will ever see in the stock market.
The premier summertime heat stress mineral
Blueprint minerals have already been proven to support cattle and calf performance in heat-stressed environments by optimizing nutrient bioavailability and helping alleviate oxidative stress. With the addition of essential oils like capsicum, along with a fly control option, Crystalyx Blueprint Shade with ClariFly is the premier summertime heat-stress mineral on the market today.
Get out of the heat, and into the Shade!