This year, the CRYSTALYX® fly control products have been reformulated to include organic/chelated trace minerals. Those products include:
CRYSTALYX® ROLYX® PRO has been replaced by a new product called CRYSTALYX® ROLYX® PRO-MAG. This new product now contains 4% magnesium, and can be used in situations where grass tetany is a concern. The CRYSTALYX® ROLYX® products contain Rabon® Oral Larvicide. In the manure of treated animals, Rabon® will kill the larvae of the horn fly, face fly, house fly and stable fly. Additionally, the reformulated ROLYX® products also contain increased levels of trace minerals. CRYSTALYX® IGR products contain Altosid®, which stops the larvae of the horn fly from becoming adults.
Most of you are probably just starting to calve, or just about to start. Hopefully you have been feeding a balanced mineral supplement to your cows all winter, but if not, it would be a good idea to begin a good mineral program. You can easily do this with CRYSTALYX® Breed-Up® supplements. CRYSTALYX® Breed-Up® Supplements supply 200% of NRC requirements for trace minerals and vitamins to achieve the higher plane of nutrition needed from calving through breeding. CRYSTALYX® Breed-Up® 20 and Breed-Up® 28 are protein supplements and work best until green grass arrives. We now have a new Breed-Up® supplement to use when grass tetany is a concern. It is called CRYSTALYX® Breed-Up® 17 Mag. It is a 4% Magnesium supplement with 17% protein. CRYSTALYX® Breed-Up® MAX is a mineral supplement designed to be fed with high quality forage or on green pastures. These four CRYSTALYX® Breed-Up® supplements allow you to feed just the right supplement, from pre-calving through breeding.
Proper trace mineral nutrition, including organic or chelated forms of trace minerals, prior to calving, will help assure your cows have good colostrum available when they calve.
Proper trace mineral nutrition, including organic or chelated forms of trace minerals, will also help your cows breed up, once the bulls are turned out later this spring.
If you are concerned about colostrum quality, or how well your cows will breed up this year, take steps to provide some nutritional insurance. CRYSTALYX® Breed-Up® and Fly Control Supplements are an easy way to affordably provide organic/chelated trace minerals, vitamins, protein, phosphorus, and magnesium, in a supplement block that’s available 24/7, while minimizing your investment in time, labor and equipment.