Have you ever watched a football game where a clearly superior team was winning, only to let up late in the game and allow the lesser opponent get close or even make a stellar come-back to win? I love NCAA collegiate football and I’ve seen this happen. It’s either frustrating or exhilarating depending on who your team is, but regardless, no team should ever let up the fight on the field.
The beef, feed, and overall agricultural industry isn’t college football but it is superior in the fact that those of us who enjoy these professions are doing a lot of things right, and we should not let up. For example, beef production has risen or maintained over the past 40 years despite a decreasing supply of cattle in the U.S. This didn’t happen by accident, it happened because of technological advancements in practically all phases of production. This is not a blog about defending or promoting any moral or political positions, but a reminder that what’s got us here needs to continue; doing things right.
The cattle market is on fire and being driven by both supply and demand factors in my opinion. There doesn’t appear to be a cattle cycle any longer, and that term is not mentioned much in today’s marketing discussions. Many experts say we can expect good prices for some time to come, however some are still cautiously optimistic or even cautiously pessimistic, saying the market is too good to be true and it has to crash sooner or later. I recall a rather a common theme of discussions back in the mid 90’s (when there was still a defined cattle-cycle). Feeder cattle were about 65 cents and had fallen from the $1.00 level. Some would say, “Anyone can make money when cattle are a buck.” The overtone here was that when cattle prices are high, it’s easy to be lackadaisical and not start or keep doing what’s important.
At CRYSTALYX®, we have been very successful the past several years in developing and marketing what we call our premium or higher end products such as the Breed-Up® Line. These products are fed for increased performance and to help solve tough problems. They are part of solid nutritional programs, sold by feed professionals and used by some of the best cattle producers; and while they may cost more, their returns are the highest vs using cheaper tubs or inferior brands.
My message in this week’s blog is simple and clear: Don’t let up now! There’s too much to lose by not taking care of cattle in a high priced market. There’s never a good time to allow conception rates to fall or health and body condition to suffer; especially when returns on cattle are at an all-time high. In fact, now is one of the best times to capitalize on these high prices with feeding for more performance. The cost of CRYSTALYX® relative to the price of cattle today is much better than just a few years ago. Even with abundant rainfall in many areas of beef production, green grass and less expensive hay, don’t be tempted to forego or make drastic changes in supplemental protein or mineral programs. Take care of the cows that take care of you. Don’t let up, and use CRYSTALYX® to help keep conception rates high, calves healthy, to best utilize forage, and make more money. The ball game isn’t over, don’t let up!