Calf scours cause more financial loss to cattle producers than any other health issue. It is estimated that 61% of calf deaths are caused by scours. Calf scours are not a disease per se, but a symptom of one of a great variety of noninfectious and infectious causes. Of the infectious agents, E. coli is the most common source of scours.
E. coli colonize within the gut by attaching to the finger-like projections within the intestines. E. coli is part of the normal flora of the gut. Calves are born with a sterile gut but pick up E. coli from the environment. When the amount of challenge exceeds the body’s ability to keep the bacteria in check, scours occur. Traditionally, E. coli is controlled through a combination of management, sanitation and antibiotics.
It goes without saying that well fed dams that have received proper mineral nutrition during pregnancy, particularly copper, selenium and zinc, will give birth to thriftier calves. However, even the strongest immune system can be subverted when faced with overwhelming numbers of infectious invaders as a result of poor sanitation and/or challenging environmental conditions.
Many producers utilize antibiotics in feed or milk-replacers to prevent E. coli. Use of antibiotics has historically served the cattle industry well. However, there are times when use of antibiotics is undesirable, whether due to antibiotic-resistant strains of E. coli or a desire by the producer to market natural beef. Luckily, other options have emerged, such as Bio-Mos®.

Bio-Mos® is a “sticky sugar” derived from yeast that binds to E. coli and doesn’t let go. Because E. coli has only one binding site, if it is bound to Bio-Mos® it cannot bind to the gut lining (see illustration below). If E. coli can’t bind to the gut lining, it can’t establish a colony and passes out harmlessly in the manure.
CRYSTALYX® Brand Supplements offer a wide variety of nutritionally balanced supplement products containing Bio-Mos®. Visit www.crystalyx.com or www.bio-mos.com or call your local CRYSTALYX® representative to learn more about the option that best fits your situation.
Bio-Mos® is a registered trademark of Alltech, Inc.