Twenty years ago, Crystalyx introduced Iono-Lyx B300, the first and only low-moisture block (LMB) that contains an ionophore. This was the result of several years of working with the Center for Veterinary Medicine at the Food and Drug Administration (CVM-FDA). The exact claim on the label reads:
For increased rate of weight gain in pasture cattle (slaughter, stocker, and feeder cattle and beef replacement heifers).
Today, Crystalyx Iono-Lyx B300 is still the only FDA-approved LMB containing an FDA-approved ionophore. While our Sweetlix® line does contain a pressed block with Rumensin® and a pressed block with Bloat Guard®, the FDA approval of a free-choice supplement with a medication is not an easy process. The fact that the approval for Iono-lyx in 2004 was the first for an LMB with an ionophore, and that 20 years later it is still the only one, speaks to this difficulty. I would just say there have been several unsuccessful attempts at approval of other medicated blocks since then.
Crystalyx Iono-lyx B300 is truly a one-of-a-kind LMB. The addition of Bovatec (lasalocid) to this 28%-protein LMB puts it head and shoulders above any other protein LMB. The inclusion of Bovatec will add right at 10% more average daily gain to the pasture cattle and replacement heifers that consume it. This figure is based on decades of research by the makers of Bovatec. Bovatec can also decrease the age at which heifers reach puberty.
Five years ago, we amended the Iono-Lyx B300 formula to include a portion of the copper, zinc, manganese and cobalt in an organic form known as Bioplex®. Bioplex organic trace minerals appear in the ingredient listing on the label as proteinates: copper proteinate, zinc proteinate, manganese proteinate, etc.
You may have heard us talk about Bioplex trace minerals before, as they are a key part of our Crystalyx® Blueprint® supplement line. While Iono-Lyx B300 is not a Blueprint supplement, it does contain Bioplex trace minerals. Bioplex trace minerals are in a form more closely resembling how cattle get trace minerals from forages in nature. They are much more bioavailable than inorganic sources of trace minerals, like sulfates, oxides and hydroxychlorides. If you have trace mineral antagonists in your forages or soil, the best way to combat them is with an organic trace mineral.
When evaluating Iono-Lyx B300 for your operation, consider its four main features:
- Iono-Lyx B300 contains 300 grams per ton of Bovatec, the premier ionophore for grazing animals. Years of data in the Bovatec master file indicate that you can generally expect a 10% improvement in rate of gain in pastured cattle and replacement heifers.
- Iono-Lyx B300 contains 28% crude protein. With the exception of a couple fleeting summer months, most of our grazed forages will be short on protein for growing cattle. Iono-Lyx B300 can effectively supplement that protein requirement in addition to providing Bovatec.
- As mentioned before, Iono-Lyx B300 now contains Bioplex organic trace minerals. These support greater trace mineral retention and tissue reserves. Optimal trace mineral nutrition is key to supporting good summer gains on grass. Additionally, yearlings entering a feedlot will benefit from having been on a good trace mineral program prior to the stresses of shipping, receiving, sorting and handling.
- Finally, Iono-Lyx B300 is a self-fed supplement. It greatly reduces the need for daily attention to the nutritional needs of your herd. A properly stocked set of Iono-Lyx barrels with yearlings or replacement heifers in a pasture should last about two weeks. This allows you the flexibility to check your cattle when, and as often as, you want. If you are busy with other chores, you’ll know that Crystalyx Iono-Lyx B300 is always there for your cattle, 24/7.
We are midway through fall, and forages are mature. This means their protein content is dropping every week. This is the perfect time of year to start a set of replacement heifers or weaned calves on a fall and winter grazing program that includes Iono-Lyx B300 for all the reasons above. Bioplex organic trace minerals are better utilized by cattle, and they will likely need some extra protein. Remember that your cattle will get a weight gain boost from Bovatec, and you can always use the flexibility that a self-fed supplement brings to the table.
Crystalyx brand supplements are an excellent way to provide consistent, controlled intake of additives, protein, and other necessary nutrients that can be deficient in your forages. Crystalyx self-fed supplements are available to your herd 24/7, and they minimize your investment in time, labor and equipment.