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LICS app for calculating beef cattle supplement intake is free and ready to download

Mark Robbins had recently written a blog about the new Livestock intake calculator for supplements (LICS) app that was soon to be released.  Well the release date has arrived!   It is designed to be a useful calculator with minimal, intuitive inputs that makes free-choice supplement performance easier to monitor and manage.  The FREE LICS app is available on the IOS (IPhone) and Android platforms and can be downloaded either at their app stores or by scanning the following QR codes with your smartphone.

The app has several features but it is primarily designed to be easy to use and both flexible and robust enough for those who may want to incorporate more detail when calculating free-choice supplement intake.  The LICS app is targeted for beef producers, but because of the flexibility built in it can easily be used for any species of animal that is consuming a free-choice supplement as the calculations are applicable to any free-choice supplement form used by animal owners. 

Free-choice supplements can be challenging to accurately estimate their consumption on average per animal per day and therefore unclear of what supplemental nutrient levels are actually being provided.  The LICS app helps gather required information for making an intake estimate, like the number animals in the group/pasture, the days that the animals consumed the supplement and also an assessment of how much supplement was consumed for a given period.  An estimated consumption for the supplement is then calculated by the LICS app.  Depending upon how much supplement is remaining, the app can also project when additional supplement should be provided so you don’t run out.  If you know the amount that you paid for the supplement per ton of feed, LICS will also calculate your cost on a per-animal-per-day basis.

One feature that is particularly useful for beef cow-calf producers is an option of including calves in the supplement intake calculation.  Many supplements are offered to cow-calf pairs where both have access to the supplement. The LICS app has the ability to include calves into the intake calculation once they reach 400 pounds or more as their individual consumption is more impacting. 

Regardless if you are raising livestock or have companion animals such as horses, the LICS app can help you better manage your nutritional program when offering free-choice supplements in grazing or non-confined type conditions.  The few inputs required will provide an easy way to estimate the actual intake of your supplement when spread across the group of animals.