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CRYSTALYX® and BLUEPRINT® Targeted Nutrition: Continued Applications and Success

As a CRYSTALYX salesperson, blogger, manager, marketer and researcher for a long time now, I’ve seen a lot of neat things regarding the brand. I’ve always told people in our business that some of the best learning experiences I’ve had with CRYSTALYX have been in the field and on the farm/ranch operation. 

Such was the case again in December 2023, when I found myself in Montana along with colleague Jena Lee Wagner and longtime customer Mark Chaboyer of BTI Feeds, at the Treasure Bull Test just outside of Great Falls. Treasure Bull Test is owned by Ryan and Karnell Perry, and they’ve used CRYSTALYX in a bit more unconventional method, feeding and developing yearling bulls. The story is below, but in interviewing the Perrys and compiling my notes, I learned about even more new applications and benefits of this great supplement.

CRYSTALYX® Blueprint® Supplement, Improving Performance with Treasure Bull Test in Montana:

Ryan and Karnell Perry own and manage Treasure Bull Test near Vaughn, Montana, where approximately 150 bull calves are fed, developed, and tested for growth performance and fertility. The Perrys have owned the operation since 2018 and test mostly Angus, specializing in all Montana-born bulls. The Treasure Bull Test facility consists of three pens at Muddy Creek Feed Yard.
Bulls are normally brought to the test feedlot in November and grown over the winter, preparing them for sale in April. The CRYSTALYX Blueprint Omega supplement has been part of the nutrition program at Treasure for three years and has delivered great results. During a visit with the Perrys in December 2023, Ryan mentioned, “We’ve fed other supplement barrels in the past with good results, but then stopped for a year and realized poorer semen tests. So, we then switched to the CRYSTALYX Blueprint Omega barrels and have seen improved semen tests. In fact, our 2023 results were the best-testing bulls ever regarding semen motility, white cell count, etc. Only one or two bulls failed to test properly.”
Another advantage noticed with feeding CRYSTALYX is from an animal behavior standpoint. “One of our first reasons, and still an important reason, in using CRYSTALYX here at the test station is to provide a calming effect on bulls,” Ryan said. Yearling bulls can often exhibit behaviors of riding, playing or fighting, just being bulls. Having CRYSTALYX available does reduce some of these behaviors, though, which can improve overall performance. In addition to semen testing, both average daily gain and weight per day of age are also measured while bulls are on test.
The Perrys’ experience with CRYSTALYX goes beyond the bull test station. They have fed it for many years with a commercial cow herd, and Karnell also manages a neighboring feedlot where CRYSTALYX® Brigade® is used to start calves upon receiving. Additionally, Ryan manages the Western Livestock Auction at Great Falls and has sold CRYSTALYX as a dealer there since 2002.

To learn more about Treasure Bull test or Western Livestock, you can visit Facebook or www.treasurebulltest.com and www.westernlivestockmontana.com

- Mark your calendars - the Treasure Bull Test Sale is April 16th, 2024 at Western Livestock Auction in Great Falls, Montana -

As I always say, the best days working don’t feel like work at all. Thank you, Ryan and Karnell, for your business and for sharing your success. We hope this information can benefit other producers in the business. Let Crystalyx go to work for you!
