Chad Wienke, along with his father and brother, milk 225 cows near Adrian, MN. He’s relied on DAIRY-LYX® and Close-up™ Formula to supplement his nutrition program.
The Wienkes experienced a significant decrease in milk butterfat and protein content during a prolonged period of extreme heat and humidity.
“We put Dairy-lyx® in the loafing barn and brought our butterfat to 3.5, and it held steady throughout the rest of that very hot summer. Since then we use it year ‘round in the barn,” Chad explained.
They feed Close-up™ Formula to dry cows in outside lots. Chad indicates he’s found an easy way to control milk fever. “I’ve tried to feed anionic salts straight out and had a lot of trouble with losing intakes. The CRYSTALYX® Close-up™ Formula is a big boost in controlling my milk fevers,” he said.