In the Field

"CRYSTALYX helps get my heifers into breeding condition."

When you're raising cattle at 5,000 feet above sea level, keeping young stock consistently gaining is a challenge. Lee Scott, who manages the North Fork Cattle Company near Babb, MT, has struggled to find a feeding program that will keep calves gaining weight during the six months he's forced to feed.

"We've got fabulous grass in the summer, the calves will gain nearly 3 pounds a day," Scott says. "But in the winter, it's all I can do to maintain their growth and health."

That's why he decided to give BGF-30™ a try in his heifer program. It's too early to tell if the CRYSTALYX® will improve conception rates or birth rates on the heifers, but Scott is pleased anyway. "The heifer calves did real well on CRYSTALYX®," he says. "I'd have everything on CRYSTALYX® if I had the grass."

Scott admits he "baby-sits" his heifers because they are the mainstay of his commercial herd, so he fed them a half-pound of range cake plus free-choice mineral. The heifers consumed an average of three-quarters of a pound per-head, per-day of CRYSTALYX®.

"I really pride myself on my heifers. I've got to get them into breeding condition. CRYSTALYX® helps do that," Scott says.