Wayne and Sue Gerlach have a farm near Cascade WI, and milk 90 cows. They work with Barb Grzywinski of Adell Cooperative. They use CRYSTALYX® Dry Cow Formula™ in dry cows, as well as Replacement Heifer™, Iono-lyx® and Mineral-lyx® for the heifers. “It works; it is convenient and the heifers look good and the cows clean well. I use several different blocks with the heifers depending on the age and what forage they are getting.
"For smaller groups I don’t have to do a separate TMR for each group and they get their minerals from CRYSTALYX®. Convenience is a big factor. If I was using a dry mineral, I would be getting on and off the loader several more times. My knees are not getting any younger."
"We use CRYSTALYX® products with the milking cows. We put mineral in the TMR mix, but cows use CRYSTALYX® and it helps fill in the holes for the cows. Cows that are just fresh seem to be the ones using the block the most.”