- Dairy Cattle (SARA)

Introduction to Ruminal Acidosis in Dairy Cattle

Ruminal acidosis is the consequence of feeding high grain diets to ruminant animals, which are adapted to digest and metabolize predominantly forage diets. Feeding diets that are progressively higher in grain tends to increase milk production, even in diets containing up to 75% concentrates. 

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Low-Moisture Buffer Block on Ruminal pH in Lactating Dairy Cattle with SARA

Subacute ruminal acidosis (SARA) is defined as periods of moderately depressed ruminal pH (between 5.2 and 5.6) that are between acute and chronic in duration (Cooper and Klopfenstein, 1996). The most consistent and immediate clinical sign of SARA is depressed feed intake, evidently because excess organic acids disrupt rumen function (Cooper et al., 1995, 1996) and cause malaise (Provenza et al., 1994).

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Research shows BUFFER-LYX helps control Subacute Ruminal Acidosis (SARA)

Cows that are fed a diet that will lead to SARA will initially respond much the same as they would in the early stages of ruminal fermentation. Once the major portion of the diet is consumed however, cows that were offered BUFFER-LYX® appeared to handle the increased acid load much better because BUFFER-LYX® minimized the time cows spend below a pH of 5.5. In fact, when compared to cows that did not receive BUFFER-LYX®, they moved to a higher pH more quickly. The pH of cows that were fed a diet conducive to SARA and not offered BUFFER-LYX® stayed below 5.5 for a considerably longer time. When diets or feeding conditions that can lead to acidosis occur, supplementing with BUFFER-LYX® appears to help cows recover from SARA and keep fermentation within a more desirable range.

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