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Top 10 reasons to use a self-fed protein supplement in the spring


A couple years ago, I wrote a blog about the top 10 reasons to use a self-fed protein supplement in the Fall. Today, I will tackle 10 reasons you should consider using a self-fed protein supplement in the Spring.



  1. For Spring calving herds, this is the most crucial time for supplementing your herd. It is of critical importance that your herd is not short on nutrients from pre-calving through breeding. Nutritional inputs at this time, have the most impact on the reproductive efficiency of your herd, for the rest of the year.

  2. As with any self-fed supplement, you will save time, as well as labor and equipment dollars, by using self-fed supplements. Properly stocked CRYSTALYX® barrels will provide supplemental nutrition for about 2 weeks at a time.

  3. Self-fed supplements are a great way to provide daily doses of additives to all of your herd. CRYSTALYX® has many formulas with Bio-Mos® and fly control products that are popular with Cattlemen in the Spring.

  4. Grass tetany affects many cattle herds each spring. Cows cannot store magnesium in their body, so daily delivery of magnesium is crucial during these times. Unfortunately, magnesium oxide is very unpalatable, but this can be easily masked by molasses containing supplements, like CRYSTALYX® Super-Mag™.

  5. Snow, rain, sleet and mud make daily trips into and out of pastures and lots something you want to avoid. It is hard on equipment and can leave ruts that need to be fixed later. Minimize those trips with a self-fed supplement.

  6. Even while it is raining or snowing, your self-fed protein supplement is available to all cows 24 hours a day 7 days week. Especially right after those spring blizzards, while you are still digging out at home.

  7. Feeding hand-fed supplements every day, or every other day, often results in calves being trampled by cows chasing the feeder. Using self-fed supplements stops this daily supplement dash, and helps keep calves paired-up.

  8. When using hand-fed supplements, timid or smaller cows may not get their share of the supplement. If you can’t effectively sort your herd into groups based on nutritional need, self-fed supplements that are available 24/7 allow all cows a chance to get their share of daily nutrition. 

  9. You may have to spend much of your day tagging, weighing or checking on cows and calves, or perhaps delivering stored forage to cows. Providing a self-fed protein supplement will only require your attention once every week or two.

  10. Spring field work can easily take crucial time away from your cow herd as well. Here again, providing a self-fed protein supplement will only require your attention once every week or two.

Sure, I may be a bit biased in my list, but, CRYSTALYX® is always there, especially when you can’t be there. It’s one less thing to worry about in the busy Spring months.

CRYSTALYX® Brand self-fed supplements are an excellent way to maximize your returns from a supplement program that’s available 24/7, while minimizing your investment in time, labor and equipment.