Imagine what life today would be like without a cell phone. You may sometimes think to yourself, “I sure could get a lot more done without this phone constantly going off” — but think of all the conveniences it also brings. Need to make a quick call? The phone is right there in your pocket or on your hip. Need to be reminded of an appointment? The calendar function can send you notifications. Need to take a picture? You always have a camera with you. When is the rain expected to start? Radar and weather apps are at your fingertips.
The cell phone is often taken for granted for how easy it can make our lives, and at CRYSTALYX® Brand Supplements, a goal of ours is to make your life easier. We often talk about convenience through the labor-saving delivery of a self-fed supplement, but outside of the actual product and delivery, we also want to make your life easier through the technology we all constantly use. We have accomplished this over the years by launching mobile apps that help determine supplement intake and when barrels will need to be replaced with our LICS app. We can also assist in evaluating and recording the body condition of your cow herd through the CRYSTALYX BCS app. Now, we are taking convenience one step further and launching a new CRYSTALYX app called the CRYSTALYX Supplementation app, and we are excited to share its features with you.
The all-new CRYSTALYX Supplementation app
The CRYSTALYX Supplementation app is the first app on the market with the goal of making product selection easier for your operation than ever before. Whether you are supplementing cows, heifers, calves, bulls, sheep, goats or horses, making personalized selections through a series of questions will help narrow down the products that will fit your needs.
Product selection
The main objective of the CRYSTALYX Supplementation app is to help you determine which product you should supplement based on the needs of your livestock. The app was developed in line with the CRYSTALYX Supplementation Guide to narrow down the available products by having you answer the following questions:
- What type of livestock are you feeding? (beef cows and bulls; weaned calves and replacement heifers; sheep and goats; or equine)
- What is the general quality of your forage? (low-, medium- or high-quality)
- What level of fortification do you desire in your supplement? (Blueprint® Premium, Balanced or Economy; you can select multiple options)
- What additive options are you in interested in? (Bio-Mos® 2, Bioplex®, Yea-Sacc, etc.)
Upon answering these questions, one or more products will be determined that match your criteria. From there, you can click through the recommended products and learn more about their features, feeding directions, nutritional guarantees and ingredients.
We understand that the nutritional needs of livestock can vary throughout the year due to changes in forage availability or quality; physiological changes, such as pregnancy or lactation; or issues like fly control. For your convenience, this app allows you to adapt to your changing conditions and demands year-round by returning to the home screen and answering the questions listed above multiple times with different conditions, pastures or groups in mind.
Are you already feeding a specific product but want to review its features or feeding directions? The “Products” tab on the app allows you to sort through each formula option and explore them in greater detail.
Find your CRYSTALYX dealer
Finding your local CRYSTALYX dealer has never been easier, as we have made that information available at your fingertips. Click on the “Locations” tab and enter your zip code, and the nearest dealer information will become available, just a short drive or phone call away!
Another added feature on the app are the calculator options, which can help you manage your herd’s nutrition program. Outlined below is a brief explanation of each calculator and how they can be used.
- CRYSTALYX Intake Calculator
With the popular LICS app in mind, we included this feature — as well as an abbreviated version — in the CRYSTALYX app. This calculator will allow you to determine your herd’s supplement intake, provide you with a suggested replacement date, and calculate your cost per head per day. - CRYSTALYX Purchase Calculator
The purchase calculator allows you to input the number of head out on pasture, the supplement you are feeding, the number of days you plan to supplement, and the intake per head per day in order to determine how much product you need per pasture. The app does the math for you! - CRYSTALYX Feeding Reminder Calculator
Life can get busy, and it can be easy to forget to put more barrels out. Use the Feeding Reminder Calculator to receive notifications when your barrels need to be replaced based on the pasture group, the number of cattle and the number of barrels in a pasture. You can choose whether you prefer to be notified via email, push notification on your phone or text message.
All that and more!
We hope that you find the new CRYSTALYX app beneficial and that it will help your operation get the most out of your supplement program. A complete product listing is also included on the app that allows you to sort the products by a specific nutrient level or compare your options right next to each another. More information on forage quality and additive options are outlined within the app, but as always, if you have additional questions, feel free to reach out to your local dealer or contact us at CRYSTALYX.
The all-new CRYSTALYX app will not only help dealers find the right supplement for their customers but will also help make the end-user’s life easier and more convenient, with the information they need right at their fingertips. Just like our CRYSTALYX Brand Supplements, the new CRYSTALYX app will continue to ensure that performance is served.
The new CRYSTALYX Supplementation app is available for free on both iOS (Apple) and Android devices in the United States and Canada. Download yours today by searching “crystalyx” in your app store!