1.6 billion, 200, four and 20 to 40 are not numbers related to government spending on the pandemic but, rather, are numbers associated with the impact of fly pressure on animal performance. As we transition to springlike weather, we will begin to see pastures green up, and soon after that, flies will arrive. Effective fly control requires an integrated approach that utilizes multiple tools, such as managing breeding areas with good sanitation and using fly tags, back rubbers and knock-down sprays. Feed-through fly control can be a valuable part of your integrated fly control program. CRYSTALYX® Brand Supplements offers several formula options that are convenient, time- and labor-saving and very effective for dependable, predictable daily delivery of both minerals and fly control for your cattle. Now, let’s get to the numbers.

$1.6 billion
This is the economic loss felt annually by cattle producers in the U.S. due to fly-related problems, which result in reduced milk production (by up to 20%), cow weight loss, reduced calf growth, reduced grazing time and increased rates of mastitis and pink eye. Less milk and reduced grazing time will lead to lower weaning weights, and in addition, lower body condition scores will lead to reduced pregnancy rates.
Calf weight is what generates our income. Studies have the shown average daily gains of calves being reduced by 0.2 to 0.4 pounds per head per day due to flies. Over the grazing season, this adds up! Another study calculated that every 100 flies over the economic threshold of 200 flies per animal led to reduced calf weaning weights by 17.82 pounds per 100 flies.
200 flies per animal
The goal of your fly control program should be to reduce the fly population to less than 200 flies per animal. Aiming to have zero flies is not a practical goal, due to the fact that several fly species breed in multiple areas, not just in fresh manure. In addition, house flies and stable flies can travel for long distances. The main fly of concern for pasture cattle is the horn fly, which spends its entire adult life cycle on the animal, only leaving to lay its eggs in fresh manure. Due to its size, it is not a very strong flier.
Horn flies have a very painful bite. Their mouths are composed of multiple lancing-type structures, which cut into the tissue for maximum blood flow, and those are mounted on drilling-type structures to penetrate deep into the hide of the cattle. The adult fly lives 10 to 20 days and takes a blood meal 20 to 30 times per day, and the female will lay 400 to 500 eggs in her lifetime. Now, we are talking about trillions of flies that could be attacking your cattle. Eggs develop in the manure over a 10- to 24-day period. Effective preventative measures require that feed-through fly control be started 2 to 3 weeks prior to when flies are expected to arrive.
The face fly lives on the animal and on vegetation in the pasture. It is not a biting fly, feeding instead on mucus secretions around the eyes and nose. The face fly is a vector for pink eye to spread among the herd and is also a general annoyance, causing animal discomfort. Manure is the main place where face fly larvae develop.
The house fly can live in various locations around the farm. It feeds on any organic matter available, often alternating between feeding on decaying waste and the animal. Due to the way the house fly eats, it can spread disease and be a general nuisance. The house fly lays eggs in decaying organic matter and manure, which means that good sanitation practices are an important control measure.
The stable fly is slightly smaller than the house fly and has a checkered abdomen. It lives and lays eggs in the same material as the house fly. It has a painful, piercing bite and prefers feeding on the legs and underside of cattle.
Four flies and four options
Feed-through fly control options can be delivered via CRYSTALYX for consistent daily intake.
- ClariFly® includes a feed-through insect growth regulator, diflubenzuron, which prevents the development of the larvae into adult flies. ClariFly is effective on all four of the flies mentioned above. ClariFly is approved for use in beef and dairy cattle, horses, ponies, donkeys and mules.
- Altosid® IGR includes a feed-through insect growth regulator, S. methoprene, and prevents larvae from developing into adult flies. Altosid IGR is effective only for the horn fly. Altosid IGR is approved for use in beef and dairy cattle.
- Rabon® includes a feed-through insecticide, tetrachlorvinphos, which is an organophosphate. It kills the larvae of all four flies in the manure of treated animals.
- Garlic powder is a natural means of repelling flies from animals who consume supplements containing garlic. Research and field observations show a reduction of around 50% in fly populations on treated animals consuming a garlic supplement.
CRYSTALYX offers both mineral-type and protein-type low-moisture blocks with each of the fly control options outlined above. With any of the options available, the key to successful fly control is getting the target amount consumed by the animals each day so there is a consistent concentration in their manure.
20- to 40-cent investment in fly control and minerals per day
Depending on which CRYSTALYX supplement you choose, the daily cost per head will be in the range of 20 to 40 cents per day to get the daily recommended amount of minerals and fly control per animal. Most operations invest in mineral supplementation already, and you can get fly control for just a few cents more. Most of the mineral-type CRYSTALYX fly control options are formulated for an intake of 0.25 pounds per head per day. Mineral-lyx® with ClariFly® and the protein-type supplements are formulated for intake of 0.30 to 0.50 pounds per head per day to deliver the necessary level of active ingredients for a 1,000-pound animal.
How to pick the product that is right for you
Answer the following questions and use your responses to pick from the different CRYSTALYX fly control products listed below.
- What livestock are you feeding?
- What is your forage quality?
- Do you need protein?
- Do you only need mineral?
- What level of trace mineral fortification do you want?
- Which fly control option best fits your needs?
- Offers mineral and IGR delivery.
- A portion of the trace minerals provided as BIOPLEX® organic trace minerals.
- Target intake of 0.25 pounds per head per day.
- Offers protein with mineral and IGR delivery.
- A portion of the trace minerals provided as BIOPLEX organic trace minerals.
- Target intake of 0.50 pounds per head per day.
- Offers mineral and Rabon® delivery.
- A portion of the trace minerals provided as BIOPLEX organic trace minerals.
- Target intake of 0.23 pounds per head per day.
- Offers protein with high magnesium and Rabon delivery.
- A portion of the trace minerals provided as BIOPLEX organic trace minerals.
- Target intake of 0.35 pounds per head per day.
- Offers mineral and ClariFly® delivery.
- Target intake of 0.50 pounds per head per day.
Blueprint® 20 AN with ClariFly®
- Offers protein with Blueprint® mineral fortification.
- All trace minerals included are BIOPLEX organic trace minerals.
- Target intake of 0.50 pounds per head per day.
Blueprint® 6% Phos with ClariFly®
- Blueprint mineral delivery.
- All trace minerals included are BIOPLEX organic trace minerals.
- Target intake of 0.25 pounds per head per day.
Blueprint® Fescue-Phos® with FEB-200™ and ClariFly®
- Blueprint mineral delivery and FEB-200™ for fescue pasture.
- All trace minerals included are BIOPLEX organic trace minerals.
- Target intake of 0.25 pounds per head per day.
- Equine-specific formula, with a portion of the trace minerals included provided in the form of BIOPLEX organic trace minerals.
- Target delivery of 12 oz per 1,000 pounds of body weight.
- Equine animals must be managed to get the desired intake.
The available garlic fly repellant (GFR) options include GFR versions of:
Visit your local CRYSTALYX dealer for more information.