This time of year, we get a lot of inquiries and opportunities to position feed through fly control programs. It’s important to know the differences between fly control options, product intake, additive concentration and true cost per head per day. Our CRYSTALYX® line has a wide array of fly control products to choose from, representing three different compounds that are available in the U.S.
The next generation of fly control supplements
As I write this, it’s hard for those of us in the upper Midwest to think about fly season. It just snowed, temperatures are more than 20 degrees below normal and there’s more snow in the extended forecast. However, Mother Nature will eventually get her act together and fly season will begin.
Why all the fuss about beef cattle feed intake?
During several recent dealer meetings, intake has been a common topic of discussion. Talk has ranged from modifying total feed intake to the need for predictable intake of certain nutrients and additives to the control of self-fed supplements.