Driving this week it was very apparent that spring has arrived and cattle will be turned out to pasture very soon in many areas. Tractors were in the fields completing manure application with tillage and planting equipment starting once soils begin to dry up a bit. Increased activities over the next few weeks signal a critical time in many agricultural production systems and this is especially true for the cow calf sector. A couple of the benefits of CRYSTALYX® Self Fed Supplements are the saving time compared to hand fed supplements and the added confidence of consistent nutrient delivery during critical production phases.
The dilemma of the 1000 pound cow
Does this beast even exist in North America today? Short answer is certainly yes, but there are far fewer today than there were over the last 30 to 40 years. I remember watching a number of bred female sales out in Western North Dakota in the 80’s. It was very common to see females fit into this 1000 and 1050 mature cow weight. Bigger cows back then moved up to the 1100 or even 1200 pound mark. Those are days that are long gone as our genetics and selection pressures have changed. And with it cows that have increased in size.
Today, magnesium is king
Springtime can be a very busy time for most all cattlemen. When you look at the nutrients that are most critical for spring calving herds, this can get very busy as well.
Challenges of fescue forages
Fescue toxicity is the costliest grass-related disease in the United States. Cattle consuming endophyte-infected fescue experience production losses exceeding $600 million per year. Fescue is commonly grown throughout the mid-western and southern United States and accounts for over 40 million acres of forage land.