On the Blog

Manage your mineral and simplify your program with CRYSTALYX

The management of a mineral program is often grossly underestimated or under-appreciated– especially in free-choice programs for grazing cattle.  Poor management leads to compromised mineral programs ending up with improper intake, excess waste, increased cost and/or poor cattle performance.  In most cases, a poorly managed mineral program is just a waste of money.  So how can we improve mineral management?  CRYSTALYX® has some simple answers but first let’s look at some of the problems

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The value of CRYSTALYX used for grazing distribution

As feed professionals and nutritionist, we often look at CRYSTALYX® supplementation to improve forage utilization, provide key nutrients, deliver additives like fly control compounds, or apply a strategy targeted at specific performance parameters (weaning or breeding). One other very valuable tool CRYSTALYX® provides, and has been researched extensively, is that of Grazing Distribution.

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No flies allowed: Various CRYSTALYX fly control formulas

It’s the time of year we see more attention to the topic of good fly control whether it be from advertising, producer meeting and seminar topics, blogs such as this, and others. CRYSTALYX® has a variety of supplement formulas that deliver three different feed through fly control additives, Rabon® Oral Larvicide, Altosid® (IGR), and Clarifly®. They all work well but have some different applications depending on fly control strategies. Still, no matter the fly control compound being delivered, CRYSTALYX® is a convenient and effective way to combine fly control with a self-fed supplement all in one package.

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CRYSTALYX Sheep-lyx and sheep programs

Just over a year ago, CRYSTALYX® made some formulation and name changes with several products. Two of our small ruminant products, Sheep-lyx® and Goat-Lyx®, went through some of the largest upgrades and changes.  These changes were for the good, enhancing an already good product line.  CRYSTALYX® is promoted as a program based supplement, and we’ve learned over the years that the best fortified products perform the best in a wide array of nutritional programs.  This is true for our small ruminant products as well.

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Getting a good start with CRYSTALYX nutrition in 2017

Several previous blogs by my colleagues and me in 2016, stressed the importance of nutrition in late pregnancy, winter, post calving and breeding periods.   For a cow that will be calving in the next 90 days, the next 6 months will be the most nutrient demanding months for her this year. 

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Give thanks for CRYSTALYX

It’s Thanksgiving. We often reflect around Christmas and New Years on the past year; its good times and tough times.  I think Thanksgiving is also a time to reflect, and reflect on all the positive things we have in our homes, businesses, and country.  I for one, am thankful to be working, living and raising a family in the livestock industry and the feed business that supports it.  We in the feed and supplement business, are in the cattle business too. Our success is dependent on our customers’ success.  So, for this, I’m thankful for my customer’s success.

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CRYSTALYX: Not just a nutrient or tag

It’s no secret this fall is a different fall than the past two or three regarding the cattle market. The pressure is on to scrutinize cost, not just feed, but all costs.  My neighbor brought some cows to our place for fall pasture this past weekend and commented that, “not many new pickups will be sold this fall.”

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CRYSTALYX: Cost control without sacrifice

We’ve been reading about it, we’ve experienced it, we’ve denied it and we’ve accepted it.  Calf prices are off significantly from where they were the last two years.  This seesaw of a cattle market over the past couple years has made for a lot of optimism and grief, depending on which side of the seesaw you sit. 

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